Friday, January 28, 2005

Revive Us Again

Lately I've had a restless feeling when it comes to attending church. I truly love the church I attend. There are so many wonderful, loving people; God's love is evident there.
But lately it feels like there's something missing. I can't quite put my finger on it. Maybe I've just been at this church for so many years now that the excitement of being in a non-legalistic church has worn off. Maybe it's because our life groups have been on hiatus for a couple of months, and I'm not currently involved in a group Bible study, and I miss that fellowship.

Then again, maybe it's more than me. In discussing this with a friend of mine today, she said that she and her husband are feeling the exact same way that I am, and that they've talked to several others who are experiencing this same hunger for more. She told me that God told her that He would bring revival; however, it's unknown when or how or what scope this revival will be. It could be revival within us individually, or within our congregation, or within all of God's church as a whole. But my friend assured me that revival IS coming.

How encouraging! It's exciting to anticipate the ways that God will reveal Himself to us in the coming weeks and months. It's thrilling to think of the ways that He may use me, and where He may take me. I could end up in another congregation, or in another city, or another country for all I know. Or I could be used in a new way within my current congregation.

Revive us again, O Lord. I'm ready for it.

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