Thursday, December 13, 2007

Four Little Words

I think that one of the most powerful phrases anyone could utter is "I'm praying for you." You can't underestimate the impact that knowing that someone is lifting you up in prayer can have.

Earlier this week I received a card in the mail from a dear couple at our church, a couple whom I only occasionally have a chance to talk to, usually in the halls as we're going from the worship to Sunday school. Their sweet card, with its simple message that they were praying for me, made my day. It's amazing how much those four little words can affect you.

As you're mailing out your Christmas cards, why not include a brief message telling the recipient that you're praying for them? (Of course, only say that if you indeed are!) If you've already sent out your cards, or if you don't send Christmas cards, take some time to send someone a note or email, or leave a voice mail at their office or on their cell phone. You never know how much that message of having someone pray for them may encourage them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So true. Thanks for the reminder.