Tuesday, December 22, 2009

In Good Hands

With work slowing down a bit this week before Christmas, I took advantage of the downtime today to wade through my work emails and delete as many as I could. I managed to whittle my inbox down from 1,200+ emails to around 300 and deleted another thousand or so sent messages.

While keeping my fingers crossed that I wasn't deleting any crucial emails, I was excited to come across several devotional emails that various friends had sent me over the past couple of years. The following one was one of the favorites that I read today, and I thought I would share it here. There's no telling how many people need to be reminded that we are in God's hands and that He has everything under control.

ISAIAH 63:16 You, O Lord, are our Father; Our Redeemer from Everlasting.

If I am willing to be still in my Master's hand, can I not be still in everything? He's got the whole world in His hands! Never mind whether things come from God Himself or from people--everything comes by His ordination or permission. If I mean to be obedient and submissive to the Lord because He is my Lord, I must not forget that whatever He allows to happen becomes, for me, His will at that moment.
--Elisabeth Elliot (Keep A Quiet Heart)


Donna G said...

Merry Christmas Lisa!

Great thoughts

Lisa said...

Thanks Donna--Merry Christmas to you as well!