Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I'm Still Here...In Case You Were Wondering

The last few weeks have been exhausting as they've led up to my company's annual convention, which took place this past weekend. The convention was a great success, but I'm feeling the effects of too much and not enough:

Too much food.
Not enough exercise.
Too much overtime.
Not enough downtime.
Too many late nights.
Not enough sleep.

Just because I'm home and the convention's over it doesn't mean the workload has lightened. I came home on Sunday afternoon and hit the ground running Monday morning and haven't slowed down much since.

My body and mind are plum wore out, and I'm counting the hours til the weekend. This will be the first Saturday in quite a while that I don't have anything planned and don't have to be anywhere at a particular time. I am so looking forward to sleeping in, having a leisurely day and getting some much needed rest to recharge my batteries.

In the meantime, I'm clinging to verses like this one that reminds me that even when I'm suffering from too much and not enough, God will give me just what I need:

He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. (Isaiah 40:29)

Here's to slower, calmer days ahead, and strength and rest for all of us weary folk.


Donna G said...

Hope things get slower/easier for you soon! You sure do have long legs....

Lisa said...

Donna, I WISH my legs were half as long as that dog's! :)