Wednesday, November 30, 2011


At the beginning and conclusion of each 4-week fitness boot camp, our instructor weighs and measures us so that we can see progress {hopefully} being made. Earlier this week I met with her for my post-evaluation of this latest camp [sidenote: I lost 4 pounds and 3 1/4 inches this session, woo hoo!]. As she took my measurements, we talked about that morning's session, which had included some new (and pretty challenging) exercises.

Usually our instructor does some but not all of the exercises with us. However, she told me that she went through the entire workout with her 8:30 class, and she admitted that she thought it was pretty hard, too. It was strangely comforting to hear that my incredibly fit, healthy instructor was feeling the struggle during her workout and could, in turn, empathize with us when she puts us through the paces.

It made me think about how grateful I am that Jesus came to Earth not just as a spiritual being but in the flesh as well. He faced the same struggles and temptations that we face, and can therefore empathize with us. He has firsthand knowledge of what it's like to feel lonely, rejected, hated, disappointed, betrayed. He can relate intimately to us because He's lived not just among us but as one of us, albeit without sin.

In this season of Advent, as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, I'm glad to be reminded of this.

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