Wednesday, March 06, 2013

WFMW: Be Aware Before You Buy

I recently joined a small group Bible study that is currently going through Jen Hatmaker's study, The 7 Experiment: Staging Your Own Mutiny Against Excess. It's proving to be an incredibly convicting and challenging study and I'm only on the second week (don't let that scare you); you can read more about my experience with it in my earlier blog post.

In last week's video, Hatmaker discussed the plague of human trafficking and slavery used in manufacturing today. So much labor abuse goes on behind the scenes, even among companies that we may consider good and purchase from on a regular basis. She mentioned the website Free2Work, which provides information about human rights in the workplace and ranks companies in a variety of industries (apparel, chocolate, toys, etc.) based on their efforts to address forced and child labor.

The site also has a free app by the same name (available for both iPhone and Android devices) that allows consumers to scan barcodes and discover the manufacturer's rating. The more my eyes are opened to the atrocities of child and forced labor, the harder it is to for me keep buying what we've been buying. Free2Work is one way to help make me more informed purchases and is a small way for me to take a stand against such atrocities.

Note: I'm linking this post as part of Works for Me Wednesday on the We Are That Family blog.

1 comment:

Carrie from Talking In Space said...

Very eye opening and sad. I really need to get more educated on this and change my buying patterns. It's an easy thing to ignore when that certainly isn't the public image these companies put out there.