Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Celebrating the Little Victories

This has been one of those weeks at work where I'm starting a lot of projects but not seeming to finish them. I get distracted by telephone calls and e-mails, needing to stop everything and handle immediate needs. The fact that Christmas is just days away and our office is even more laidback than usual this week isn't helping, either.

I realized today that, instead of being frustrated at what I haven't done at work, I need to focus on the things that I have done. Focus on getting one more article posted on our website. Focus on making progress on the layout for our new publication. Focus on helping our members by sending them something they've called and asked for.

Actually, that's an attitude I need to have about every aspect of my life. It's easy for me to become discouraged by focusing on ways that I'm falling short in my walk with God, rather than rejoicing in the victories I've gained through Him. I am so, so far from the person I want to be--and yet, I have come a long way. I want to delight in how God has worked, and continues to work, in me to transform me.

Better yet, I know that God's not finished with the transformation. I have hope that I CAN be all that God wants me to be.

And I am sure that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on that day when Christ Jesus comes back again. Phil. 1:6 (NLT)


Donna G said...

Amen...little victories...gradual transformation. Thank you Lord!

paul said...

Celebrate every victory! There are enough battles fought that we need to keep focus on the successful ones to have courage to get up after defeat and keep going when we do lose one.