Saturday, July 14, 2007

Money, Posessions and Eternity

Several years ago, a friend gave me a copy of Randy Alcorn's book Money, Possessions and Eternity, with the request that after reading it, I pass it on to someone else. There is much about the book that I do not readily recall, but it is safe to say that the book challenged my thinking on the subject of money and possessions in relation to God.

Years later, I've had a renewed desire to re-read the book. Of course, the copy that I was given has been long since passed on (to whom I don't even remember), so I bought a new copy. The new one has been recently updated and revised by Alcorn, who wrote the first edition in 1988.

It's a lengthy book--400+ pages, not counting the included Bible study and index. I'm a pretty speedy reader, but knowing the weightiness of the subject, I have a feeling it will take me a while to wade through it. And I fully expect to once again be challenged in the area of finances.

Over the past few years, my views on money and material things has definitely changed. While I can't say that I always think this way, I do at least think more often about how everything that I have is a gift from God and ultimately belongs to Him. I am merely a steward of what He's put in my life. As I grow older (and hopefully wiser), the responsibility of that is becoming more real to me.

I just began re-reading the book last night, and as I read through it I'm sure I'll be sharing some thoughts from the book as well as my own thoughts on the subject with you.

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