Sunday, May 04, 2008

Active Waiting

One discipline of the spiritual life to which many of us find it most difficult to submit is that of waiting. No other discipline reveals more about the quality of our faith than that one. Sometimes we are subject to criticism from others because we seem to be doing nothing. When waiting is an act of obedience it is of course an invisible one. Only the One waited on sees it for what it is, but we must resist the temptation to defend and explain to our critics, and simply go on trusting.

True waiting on God is not "doing nothing". Psalm 37 lists the principal elements of this hidden activity, a perfect formula for peace of mind (parentheses not divinely inspired, merely mine):

Trust in the Lord and do good.
Dwell in the land (make your home, settle down, be at peace where God puts you).
Delight in the Lord (make the Lord your only joy) and He will give you what your heart desires.
Commit your life to the Lord.
Trust in Him and He will act.
Be quiet before the Lord.
Wait patiently for Him, not worrying about others.

-The Path of Loneliness by Elisabeth Elliott, pps. 161-162

1 comment:

IJ Hanna Lucky said...

Godbless you, stumbled upon your blog and I must say am impresssed