Thursday, September 29, 2011


My normal boot camp routine (unless I'm out of town) is to go on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Yesterday when I woke up, it was starting to rain, and there was a lot of thunder and lightning. I got out of bed but immediately began debating as to whether or not to go to boot camp. When it rains we meet under a covered carport at the church next to the park where we usually meet, so I knew that boot camp would not be cancelled. But that didn't stop me from thinking about skipping and making up for it the next day.

In fact, I actually went back to bed, re-set my alarm and had every intention of making it up today. And yet my conscience proceeded to nag at me, telling me I'd be sorry if I didn't go, that I'd feel guilty all day, that I wouldn't want to do boot camp two days in a row. And so after laying in bed for a few minutes, my conscience won the wrestling match and I dragged myself back out of bed and got ready for boot camp.

Despite going back to bed, I still managed to make it to boot camp on time. And yes, it was hard. Since there was a lot of lightning, we didn't get any running in, but Margaret made up for it with plenty of lunges and plank work. My shoulders are pretty sore today.

On the plus side, I AM proud of myself for going. I feel like I cleared a major mental hurdle by going when I had every intention of not going. That's not to say that it will be easier to get out of bed tomorrow; I fully expect to be inwardly groaning when that alarm goes off and longing to go back to sleep. The fact that I've pre-paid for these sessions is a very good motivator though to get me out the door and to camp.

Cleared any hurdles (big or small) this week?

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